Can Foxes be Pets?

can foxes be pets


You’ve seen them in movies thanks to the cute animation Fantastic Mr. Fox, you’ve seen them in storybooks and cartoons. You may have even seen them in the woods or in your neighborhood rummaging through someone’s garbage. But, for sure you are wondering – can foxes be pets?

The little red fox and all the other fox species like it definitely exude the sneaky trickster aura that they are often claimed to be.

Foxes are one of the oddest Canidae out there. While they may be cousins to man’s best friend these little creatures often look like a hybrid between a dog and a cat. With their pointed snouts, bushy tails, dig-like mannerisms it definitely makes a lot of people want to own one of these exotic creatures.

In fact, foxes have similar slitted eyes like a cat which further adds to the confusion and mystery.

While it may be unwise to go out and nab a  random fox from the nearby forest, there are some domesticated species of the fox out there. Thanks to a Russian scientist, there is a species of fox called the Siberian fox that has been made domesticated. The Siberian fox is a silver fox breed. But this isn’t the only breed of the fox out there that is kept as a pet.

The cute little Fennec fox and even red foxes can be kept as pets, as long as you have enough space, time, and cash to afford one. So for those out there wondering if you can have a pet fox, you can.

While it may be some trend on the Internet right now, fox ownership is a serious responsibility.

Just like you accept the responsibility of taking in a dog, cat, bird, or any other creature for the rest of their life, so too is the case with foxes. Owning a fox is definitely not for everyone, but if you are still interested in living with one of these funny creatures, read on and familiarize yourself with the little fox’s world, lifestyles, and other crucial bits of information.

Foxes: Finding Out What These Little Whiskered Tricksters Really Say

While that chuckling white fox on the internet may have stolen your heart, that lovely laughing sound isn’t their only call. Foxes are unique in the fact that they have over 20 different sounds and calls that they can make. Talk about a really talkative creature!

Their calls range from the whines, yelps, combative calls, pants, squeals, snorts, moos, coughs, explosive calls, growls, barks, and even that cute little laughter you hear known as cackles.

If you thought their cute little cat eyes were adorable, it turns out these foxes share more with felines than previously thought. A fox has the ability to retract its claws the same way as the common house cat and they have whiskers on its paws as well. Makes you wonder if you should call a fox a real-life cat-dog.

There are over 20 different species of fox around the world. These creatures can be found in the depths of the forest all the way to the deserts of Africa and even in Australia. The most well-known species are the Arctic fox, Red fox, Silver fox, Gray fox, and the very rambunctious Fennec fox.

While you can have a pet fox, you may want to make sure you can handle a few peculiarities of theirs. A fox can be very smelly or musky. Foxes have scent glands at the end of their tails.
A female fox is called a vixen, a male fox is called a dog, and a baby fox is called a kit or pup. A family of foxes is called a leash or skulk. Foxes, despite being related to dogs and wolves, don’t generally live in packs.

They are for the most part solitary creatures until it is time to mate. Foxes can have between four or five kits in a litter. Arctic foxes can have up to eleven kits for their litter.

The Law on Fox Ownership

fox on chair
Credit: Juniperfoxx@Instagram

Not all places are as open-minded about fox ownership as others. In fact, there are many cities, states, regions, and even countries that might have certain rules on what exotic animals can and can’t be kept as pets. This is due to the fact that in many areas, foxes are still seen as a pest and threat to local livestock.

Foxes can also carry many diseases that can spread to house pets and people.

In order for you to own a fox, you will need to get confirmation from a reputable breeder and have at least $8,000 on hand. Some species such as the Silver fox are actually imported so the fee maybe even more or less depend on what breed of fox you are hoping to get.

Whether you can have a pet fox or not is sad, left up to the law of the land where ever you live. Someplace might have strict regulations on how the fox can be kept and others may simply have a complete ban on any fox species. Foxes are often labeled under a wide variety of terms ranging from small canines, non-domesticated species, wild canines, native wildlife, and so on.

While you may feel a bit bummed about the laws dictating your ability to have a fox, there are some other concerns you might want to be aware of. Foxes are a hunted species just like deer, bears, and rabbits.

Yep, sadly that old Fox and The Hound movie has a very sad real-life story. In fact, in many countries such as the United States, Russia, France, Australia, Ireland, Canada, and Italy, fox hunting with hounds is still considered a recreational sport – poor foxes.

Basically, if you can have a pet fox, make sure the little creature is kept safe otherwise you may face the unfortunate event of a lost pet.

Species of Pet Foxes and How They Differ

arctic fox

There are a few species of fox you can keep as a pet:

  • Fennec Fox
    This species of fox is very tiny and has a light sandy colored pelt. These are the only fox species that can be kept inside a home. They lack the common musky odor of foxes which is one of the reasons why this species is commonly owned. Make sure you get a Fennec fox from a reliable breeder since some breeders are not as humane or reliable.
  • Red Fox
    The iconic red color with a white tipped tail. These foxes are on the larger end and are best suited for outside enclosures. They do have a very strong musky odor which can make them undesirable for those who are against strong smells.
  • Silver Fox or Gray Fox
    Similar to the Red fox in behaviors, these foxes are more grayish in color. You are more likely to see this breed of fox owned since they were one of the first few species to be domesticated.
  • Arctic Fox
    The iconic white fox of the Arctic circle. These foxes are similar to the red fox with the same care requirements. They are usually not seen as a pet and will run on the smaller side compared to the Red fox and Silver fox.

Fox Behaviors

Despite their domesticated breeds, foxes still have behaviors that set them apart from your typical dog or cat. Foxes have a lot of energy and require a substantial amount of your time for play. Foxes will often mark their territory, require consistent cleaning of their spaces, and can be quite loud depending on the species.

Foxes are very adaptable as a species so you won’t have to worry about them missing the forest too much.

Fennec foxes are known for their very talkative habits and high energy. A Silver or Red fox also has high energy levels but is not as chatty as the Fennec fox. Arctic foxes are a rarer pet fox species but are very similar to the Silver and Red fox in behaviors.

A fox’s activity hours are usually in the early morning and late evening hours. This is due to them being crepuscular in nature.

A Fox Hole or Fox Home: Understanding Foxes and Their Habitats

Foxes, depending on the species, can live in a wide variety of terrain. Fennec foxes are known to survive in desert terrain, Red and Silver foxes are known for living in heavily wooded forests, and the beautiful snow-colored Arctic foxes are known for their ability to survive in alpine arctic circles regions.

If you intend to keep a fox as a pet, you will need to do your research to determine the best enclosure for your fox. Typically, a large area with fencing is advised. You can make smaller cage-like enclosures similar to many animal sanctuaries. A fox requires a lot of space to run around, dig, and in general play.

Make sure your fox has a nearby source of fresh water such as a pond, stream, or big water bowl. Since the bigger species of fox have to be kept outside you will need to make sure they have an adequate form of shelter. Generally, a fox makes a burrow known as a foxhole.

The Fox’s Dietary Needs


Foxes, in general, are omnivorous. They can eat a wide variety of things just not junk food. Although if you aren’t too careful, a fox will pull a dog-like stunt and raid your garbage when you aren’t home.

The biggest thing to worry about in a fox diet is making sure they get enough taurine. This is an amino acid commonly found in cat food since cats need it for their eyesight and other bodily functions.

Foxes also need this amino acid, so consult your veterinarian on which sources are best for your particular species of fox.

Here is a list of foods a fox can eat:

  • Mice
  • Rabbits
  • Hens and baby chicks
  • Eggs
  • Carrion such as steak, pork and other cut meats
  • Insects
  • Reptiles
  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Dog food

Can Foxes Be Pets and is It Ethical to Have One as a Pet?

While fox hunting is seen as a horrible sport, some also consider fox ownership to be a bit unethical as well. This is due to the whole belief that what lives in nature should remain in nature and not among humans.

But whether you are for or against the idea of pet foxes, they are domesticated enough to be allowed as pets and are often similar to dogs in behavior.

Finding a Local Veterinarian That Will Provide Medical Care for a Fox

If you thought all the requirements and regulations for fox ownership were a lot, wait until you get to the veterinary aspect. Not all veterinarians will accept giving treatment to foxes. This means you will have to ask around at all nearby veterinary offices about their policies regarding exotic animals or specifically foxes.

Since foxes are considered exotic animals and not very common as a pet you may have to travel long distances to make sure your cute exotic pet gets the necessary treatment it needs. This need for a special veterinarian can mean hefty veterinary bills too.